Welcome to “This Marketing” Blog
I’m Dana, and “This Marketing” is my personal marketing blog. To contact me, please go to my Linkedin page.
Main blog categories
All things related to Startup Marketing. Here you can read about Startup Marketing strategies, Best Startup marketing tools. Startuppy Tips, Startup content ideas, and more.
I love lists. No wonder they’re called Clickbait. It is easy for us to process data through a list. The 7Best category is all about Startup Marketing and eCommerce Marketing easy-to-read list posts. Only the most important information from years of experience!
Everything you wanted to know about SaaS marketing and dared to ask but didn’t always get a proper answer. Here you can read about how to market SaaS products the right way. Tips on SaaS marketing. SaaS marketing strategies. SaaS content ideas. B2B marketing. End examples of successful SaaS marketing campaigns from around the world.
Do you want to know who the best comedians of the year are? Do you have a free hour and are wondering which stand-up special to watch on Netflix? Or worst, you sit for hours in traffic every day and listen to “recommended podcasts.” My obsession with all-things comedy is just what you need. Take a break from reading about marketing for a few minutes and start laughing.
The List
In the world of marketing and advertising, knowledge is power. My marketing list includes various sites, marketing blogs, SaaS marketing blogs, eCommerce blogs, podcasts, and books surrounding my Startup Marketing and SaaS Marketing world. The list is constantly updated.
To contact me, please go to my Linkedin page

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